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#1 27-12-2021 09:29:41

Nouveau membre
Inscription : 01-01-1970
Messages : 0

I constantly forget about the birthdays of my colleagues and friends

I don't have the best memory. I tried to keep a diary and write down the dates, but it doesn't work, I still forget everything.

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#2 27-12-2021 11:23:18

Nouveau membre
Inscription : 01-01-1970
Messages : 0

Re : I constantly forget about the birthdays of my colleagues and friends

It seems to me that you need to keep electronic notes on your phone so that the phone notifies you some time before the event. In this case, you will not forget anything.

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#3 27-12-2021 13:43:32

[email protected]
Nouveau membre
Lieu : NYC
Inscription : 01-01-1970
Messages : 0

Re : I constantly forget about the birthdays of my colleagues and friends

I have this problem too. I think too much and constantly about work, about some business that I lose track of time, I can get confused in days and dates. Therefore, iphone birthday reminder is a salvation for me. It seems to me that this will suit you too. This app reminds me that someone important to me is having a holiday.

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#4 21-04-2022 09:11:13

Nouveau membre
Inscription : 01-01-1970
Messages : 0

Re : I constantly forget about the birthdays of my colleagues and friends

There is a very good chance that if you are reading this blog post, you have forgotten the birthday of at least one person. If this is true, then I want to help you with all the free time you'll gain after reading this post. Must you can check https://masterbundles.com/best-friends-clipart/ for the how to make friend. If you think having a birthday is great because you get presents, then take a moment to re-read this and remember that having a birthday means people forgot your birthday.

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