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#1 07-04-2021 08:43:20

Nouveau membre
Inscription : 01-01-1970
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You know how we could ask people for RuneScape

Jagex should create a new thing lending program. A basic outline for RuneScape gold the app could be that, while you and the other person are on line, aslong as the person is a friend or in your clan and in precisely the same world as you, you can lend them an product. Your item would be returned to you if both of you log out or alter worlds, or else you just take it back.

Its distinct to help because you can actually do things while they're borrowing your item, and if your stock is full the item can be returned to your lender. There might be a section accesible in banks, for a'donate thing' where any individual over a certain rank in your clan (i.e. sergeant+) or any individual on your buddy list may borrow (at anytime while your online) among your things that you place inside that list.

Kind of like a g/e system where you remove items from the bank and set in your financing box (which might mean you cant use them yourself unless you take them from the lend box). Your lend box might have a limit of say items so folks dont use it as a bank, and only certain items can be set into the lend box. Its nice and simple, it quits the whole RWT and unfair trade issue, and it would most likely be rather basic and simple to code. What do you believe?

You know how we could ask people for help and they must accept giving help? Perhaps you can do this for adding people to your buddy list... I know you can simply right click right now and just do this. One issue is... what should this individual doesn't need to be your buddy. . .thats why today there will be an option to take eachothers names.

Say I visit someguy1 and im someguy2... I will right click him and click request friendship... when he accecpts he has added to my buddy list and I get additional to his. Or if we meet at a clan chat and someguy1 opens his friends list and clicks include, then forms my name it can convey to someguy2: Someguy1 is requesting friendship... and you can either dismiss it or cheap OSRS gold right click on the message to accept.

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