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#1 14-03-2024 08:44:38

Nouveau membre
Inscription : 01-01-1970
Messages : 0

Social networks and AI technologies

In social networks, AI technologies can be actively used as a marketing tool. What do you think? This may already exist, and I can even read more about these technologies somewhere.

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#2 14-03-2024 13:25:36

Nouveau membre
Inscription : 01-01-1970
Messages : 0

Re : Social networks and AI technologies

Have you heard anything about AI influencers? Honestly, this worries me a little because I don't want AI to replace real influencers. I have no trust in advertising made by AI.

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#3 14-03-2024 14:27:24

[email protected]
Nouveau membre
Lieu : NYC
Inscription : 01-01-1970
Messages : 0

Re : Social networks and AI technologies

Well, if AI technologies continue to develop in this direction, sooner or later we will in any case be faced with their active participation in our lives. Talking about AI influencers as Deanna Ritter topaiinfluencers.io/deanna-ritter-ai-influencer/, now it is really becoming an effective marketing tool, since advertising campaigns are already being carried out with such influencers.

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